Ramping up for “First” public presentation

Hello fellow co-conspirators!

I’ve got some exiciting news; I’ll be presenting Puppetmaster at Full Indie! This might not mean much to most of you, but for me it’s special. See Full Indie is a monthly meetup of vancouver game developers. It’s a chance to catch up with industry friends and talk about the problems you’re having or game’s you’re working on over a few cold beers. Every now and then, they have demo nights, where game devs bring their games to show off. This month however, they’re making a big demo night by partnering up with the Center for Digital Media…and I’ll be bringing Puppetmaster to bare!

I’ll show him!

I have shown the game before, but always at a small scale; a few people at a time. Treating it more like a playtest than an actual “showing”. This time though, I want to really make a splash; hook up a projector or a big screen and have people gather around as other play; hypnotized by the game.

Maybe I should put this on the screen instead.

I’ll be honest, I am a bit nervous; strategy games don’t show well at cons…at least not as well as say couch co-op games. Conventions are loud, with a lot of people and movement; and generally strategy games are ones where you want to sit down and think. However I’ll try anyway. Who dares, wins!

This also means my priority will change a bit; I’m going to pause working on the core game mechanic stuff and focus more on usability and visual feedback. Just to make sure players have a good time while there.

I’ll keep y’all posted on how it goes!

Happy conspiring!